Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Illustrations from sketchbooks


..inspired by McQ - SPRING 2010...


Photo and ink and stick


Merc clothing on Carnaby Street agreed to lend us some key pieces to create a skinhead look. They originally were the vital place for any mod in London, but some of the items they create were adopted by skinheads during the revival- such as the tight bomber jacket.
They also have a selection of well fitting shirts we could easily adopt into our idea.
The branding on the clothes isn't obvious enough to detract from the notion that this is a McQueen film, we are also asking Fletcher to bring some personal items of clothing and are using used doc martens to make the look more authentic and not too over styled (Styling in Meadow's films is natural).
We will of course credit Merc at the end of the film for being so generous!


After a last minute cancellation from our original actor (Dave) I found Fletcher through a friend (thankfully!).

Fletcher will be our actor, he is a model but has acting experience having been involved in a video for
He has the skinhead look we wanted as well as the McQueen edge we decided to include to make the film more fashion orientated.


screen shots of editing

May not all be useful but may as well put them all up-